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- Short: Updates and uploads .procmailrc filter
- Uploader: kenny@bgnett.no (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)
- Author: kenny@bgnett.no (Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen)
- Type: comm/thor
- Requires: Thor 2.3+, optional NComm, ISP with Procmail (ask your netadmin)
- Version: 1.2 (FINAL RELEASE)
- Comment: Kill those spam emails forever!
- mailto:kenny@bgnett.no
- $VER: AddProcmail 1.2 (17.7.97)
- Copyright (C) 1997 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
- All rights reserved.
- o Only search for duplicates when adding from newsgroups
- o More settings
- o Fixed bug with searching new header files (no search performed).
- o Improved text
- o Resource links to Procmail archive, FAQ and info (see below)
- o Are you sick of getting spam emails ?
- o Doesn't an email to postmaster/abuse stop it ?
- o You can't preview emails before download to kill unwanted mail ?
- o You don't want to be online to kill unwanted emails - correct ?
- If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then this will might be
- the solution for you.
- If your ISP mailserver uses Procmail to deliver emails to you, and the
- account you have is at the same server as the email server, you can use a
- file in your $HOME dir called '.procmailrc'. This is a filter file that can
- sort, forward, copy, a.s.o., all e-mails you get. You don't even have to be
- online to activate it - it's all done automatically locally at your ISP's
- machine at every new e-mail that arrives for you. You can also use Procmail
- to remove unwanted emails and that is what this package is based on.
- This script will automagically create a .procmailrc header file if you don't
- already have one. When you get an e-mail or news message that you don't want
- to receive in e-mail in the future you just invoke the script. It will then
- format and add the domain of the current message header as an entry in the
- .procmailrc file on your disk. The entry tell Procmail to send these
- messages to /dev/null (ala NIL:) next time you get email from this domain in
- your $HOME dir at your ISP. it will be handled while you're not there as
- well. Next you can optionally upload the updated .procmailrc file to your
- account.
- I have experienced that this has reduced spam mail to about zip-zero at my
- account. I may get a spam mail once a week or less from a new domain, but it
- gets added to the .procmailrc file immediatly and then emails from this
- domain cannot be downloaded by Thor (or YAM, Elm, Pine for that matter if
- you use those instead..) in future. Also a big thanks to Petter Nilsen/
- Ultima Thule for providing me with more than 700+ domains used in the
- .procmailrc file in the archive.
- ------
- 1) Install the script 'AddProcmail.thor' in Thor:Rexx/
- 2) Edit the header in the arexx script (see right below here)
- 3) Assign the script to a function key in Thor for convinient use
- ---
- /*
- ** $VER: AddProcmail.thor 1.2 (17.7.97)
- **
- ** © by Kenneth 'Kenny' Nilsen - Freeware
- ** mailto:kenny@bgnett.no
- ** http://www.bgnett.no/~kenny/
- **
- ** Add an entry to the .procmailrc file and upload to server.
- ** Also initializes new header file if one don't already exists.
- ** Must be invoked from Thor!
- */
- /* Please modify the next variables */
- /* Please enter the name on your email conference. When this is detected
- * the search routine is disabled. This is because, if you get a spam
- * email it is "guaranteed" not in the filterfile. However, I usually add
- * spam domains when I see them in newsgroups as well since they are likely
- * to end up in email too later. You cannot filter newsgroups therefor you
- * need to check if the entry already exists in the email filter to avoid
- * duplicates */
- EmailConf = "EMail"
- /* Next entry tells this script the path to where the .procmailrc
- * file exists. Change this to suit your system. The filename is not
- * needed since the script adds it automatically. You MUST end the path
- * with a column (:) or slash (/) */
- ProcPath = "txt:.net/"
- /* If you want to upload the .procmailrc file automatically from this
- * script you should set this bool to true (1) else set it to 0 if you
- * don't want to be asked if you want to upload the file. Script is
- * aborted at this stage if false. The script uses NComm to upload. */
- Upload = 1
- /* Enter the phonebook entry name here if you have set the above
- * bool to true. The name must match exact the one you have in the
- * NComm phonebook. The phonebook entry should invoke an upload script
- * to login, upload and exit automatically. See provided example
- * script for NComm on how you can do it */
- BBSEntry = "to update .procmailrc"
- /* If you don't want this script to search for duplicates then set this
- * flag to 1 - search is only activated when adding from a newsgroup */
- EmailFlag=0
- ---
- You may have to change the following lines in the .procmailrc header:
- ---
- PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/opt/bin
- LOGFILE=$HOME/log.procmail
- ---
- From: FAQ Editor <faq-editor@ii.com>
- 1] To find out if procmail is on your system and what the full path to
- it is, type one of the following commands:
- Shell Command
- ===== =======
- csh which procmail
- sh or ksh type procmail
- various whereis procmail
- various where procmail
- Ask your netadmin for details!
- That's it.
- You may change the behaviour of Procmail. I think redirecting unwanted
- email to /dev/null is the best solution (default behaviour) to avoid
- mail-loops, wasting bandwith and such. You can automate it to send a copy
- of the message to an abuse@ or something as well (read the man files of
- Procmail for more information on this - see links below).
- NOTE that the search routine assume that there is four lines for each entry.
- If you change the number of lines each entry creates you must also modify
- the search routine. Please do not add comments between the entries after the
- first one.
- Good resources for Procmail:
- ----------------------------
- ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/pub/packages/procmail/procmail.tar.gz
- http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/mail/filtering-faq/faq.html
- http://www.cc.gatech.edu/ftp/linux/distributions/slackware/contents/procmail
- http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/procmail/
- Author of the Procmail binary is Stephen R. van den Berg <srb@cuci.nl>
- -----------------
- I have provided an example NComm script that can be used in conjunction with
- the arexx script. You must probably modify it quite much to suit your ISP
- login proceedure. It is just meant as an example on how you can automate the
- login procedure. Personally I am always watching the proceedure so I haven't
- added support for NO CARRIER and so on in the Ncomm script.
- Add a new phonebook entry in NComm and call it "MyBBS" (where MyBBS is
- anything you want to call it..). Set path and name on script in the Script:
- entry of the phonebook. Set your ISP password in the Password: entry of the
- phonebook and finally save.
- Modify the arexx script (Addprocmail.thor) where BBSentry = "MyBBS" and
- set Upload = 1. Next time you add a new entry you will be asked if you want
- to upload the new modified script. If you select "Upload" the arexx script
- will invoke Ncomm (start it if it isn't already started) and dial the
- "MyBBS" which again starts the Ncomm script (too complicated hu?).
- Note that you can easily make this arexx script work with f.ex. Term by
- writting a simple arexx script. If you do I would like to distribute it with
- future versions of AddProcmail. Please send contribution (which will be
- credited) to the e-mail address above.
- ------
- I have provided a .procmailrc file with several hundreds (700+) domains that
- will be stopped before you get them in your e-mail. Almost every entries are
- collected by Petter Nilsen (thanks Petter!). Converted to .procmailrc file
- by myself.
- ------
- - You will need telnet or shell login access to your ISP to use Procmail.
- AddProcmail is of no use if your ISP doesn't use Procmail.
- - You will also need your account to be on the same place where the mailserver
- is (AFAIU).
- - I am not a Unix expert nor a Procmail expert. Please refer to the man
- files of Procmail(rc) and/or your Internet provider with questions about
- how and if you can get Procmail to work with your system. Simply ask your
- ISP adm. if you can use .procmailrc files with your email address to
- filter emails. They should be able to inform you if you can or not.
- - Check resource references above for more information on Procmail.
- --------
- Feel free to comment this package or send suggestions.
- mailto:kenny@bgnett.no (Kenny)